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Whether you want to pay with a credit card or e-transfer, payment plan options are available.
Contact me for more information. The sooner you start, the smaller the payments can be!
Theta Healing® is a highly versatile meditation training technique for self-development that empowers you for positive change. Reprogramming your subconscious mind from your limiting beliefs and feelings that are holding you back from happiness, love, wellness, prosperity and abundance.
Thetahealing classes are for you if you have an interest in all things SPIRITUAL: meditation, crystals, angels, yoga and even self-care or wellness.
You want to create an ABUNDANT LIFE while serving the world in your GREATEST JOY.
…but you are hard at work in a job you don’t love. YOU FEEL STUCK in your life without clarity about YOUR FUTURE.
This course is a prerequisite for nearly all other Theta Healing® courses. The heart of this class is the practice of techniques that allow you to change life patterns held in place by core, genetic, historic and soul beliefs, either self-inflicted or externally imposed. You will discover how to identify your limiting beliefs through muscle testing and then how to quickly change them to positive and empowering ones—instantly changing years of self-sabotage, bad habits, and negative life patterns.
This course will open your intuitive centres and chakras as you connect to Divine Source Energy for readings and healings. We’ll guide you in deep theta meditation to silence your mind and access your subconscious mind. You’ll also discover how to connect to your guardian angels, do future readings, activate dormant parts of your DNA and learn to manifest using Source Energy.
This seminar is 75% practical experience.
Prerequisite: None required. This course is a prerequisite for all other Theta Healing® courses.
Includes: Manual
Certification: You will be certified as a Theta Healing® DNA Basic Practitioner, allowing you to use these skills as a practitioner if you choose to.
Attendance on all days is mandatory. Class times may vary slightly depending on the size of the class. Duration: 3 Days
The total class fee is $550 and includes manuals and a class certificate. A $50 deposit is required and is non-refundable but may be applied to a future class (or private session with me) within 6 months. The balance is due by the training class day, and you can pay by cash, credit card (online before class) or e-transfer. Payment plan options are available.
10 - 5 EST Daily
Registration Deadline:
In this 3-day course, you will discover more advanced and faster techniques to implement in your healings.
You will release many blocks to connect to the creation energy that could inhibit your healing. You'll have an in-depth understanding of the Seven Planes of Existence that surround us. Learn to clear old resentments, vows, and commitments holding you back. Learn some new powerful healings, such as how to heal with the 'Baby in the Womb' and 'Heal the Broken Soul' exercises. You will receive Feelings' downloads' that will bring profound healing and enlightenment. Learn how to apply Advanced Thetahealing classes techniques on yourself and others.
This seminar is 75% practical experience
Attendance on all days is mandatory. Class times may vary slightly depending on the size of the class. Duration: 3 Days
Prerequisite: ThetaHealing® Basic DNA course
Includes: Manual
Certification: You will be certified as a Theta Healing® DNA Advanced Practitioner, allowing you to use these skills as a practitioner if you choose to.
The total class fee is $550 and includes manuals and a class certificate. A $50 deposit is required and is non-refundable but may be applied to a future class (or private session with me) within 6 months. The balance is due by the training class day, and you can pay by cash, credit card (online before class) or e-transfer. Payment plan options are available.
Or Split Payment Option:
Use the registration link below
Credit Card Payment:
Use Registration Link Below
Please contact me, and we can arrange payment options for either etransfer or Paypal or if you have any other questions about the class.
Option of 4 interest-free instalments over 6 weeks (not available on the registration form). Please let me know which class you are registering for.
Medical Intuitive Melissa Schumacher
Melissa Schumacher does not claim to diagnose, treat or cure specific medical conditions & is not a substitute for medical treatment, diagnosis or psychotherapy; the effectiveness of her services is based on an individual’s ability to heal, and the results will vary. Sharing proprietary information: Free content: This website offers lots of free information that you may share freely, but please give proper attribution. Thank you. Paid content (classes & programs) or products: Without prior written permission from Melissa Schumacher and Morning Sun Energy Healing, copying, sharing, or teaching any material, content, written or audio, verbally, electronically, or in writing sourced from Morning Sun Energy Healing is prohibited. Please don´t present someone else´s idea as your own. In the event of a violation, you are liable for plagiarism. Thank you for supporting Melissa´s work by not sharing her information & products with anyone else.
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Full of ups, downs, joys, and sorrows, goes beyond mere beginnings and endings. It's about enduring, lasting, and overcoming challenges. While the comfort of our lives tempts us, true fulfillment comes from living fully and embracing all aspects of ourselves.
Navigating through life with all our emotions, fears, or beliefs requires strength we may not know we have. Choosing to reclaim your power and elevate your life -
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