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Whether you want to pay with a credit card or e-transfer - payment plan options are available on a weekly or biweekly schedule. Contact me for more information. The sooner you start, the smaller the payments can be!
This new Reiki class includes the outlines and ignitions for teaching in-person and online courses.
Working through the Authentic Self, the Reiki consciousness recently revealed a higher expression of its healing potential. This incredible energy cannot only heal the anxiety and fear many people are feeling now but also contain the energy to actively manifest a new level of peace in the world.
It is strong and potent. And while it respects free will, it openly makes itself known as a gift each person can choose to receive. Its value is so tangible and enticing that most people are likely to accept it.
It can maintain peace within an individual, independent of what is happening around the person or world. It more completely unifies your divine consciousness with your human consciousness and connects you more deeply with the Spirit of the Earth. It also contains the power to guide how you live, manifest opportunities to solve problems and create a life of greater peace and purpose. Once awakened in an individual, it continues to develop in noticeable ways.
Some have noted that the transformation that takes place when this new energy is awakened can also create a healing process in which a student may feel somewhat out of sorts for a few days as previous concepts and energies are released and the new, more beneficial energies become established. If you notice something like this happening, be aware that this is a sign that an important healing process is taking place and that your life is changing for the better.
The World Peace energy also works directly with the World Peace Reiki grids placed at the North and South Poles, at the Reiki centers in Southfield, Michigan and, Hana, Hawaii, in Jerusalem and in the main temple on Kurama Yama Japan.
The ART/Master training combines both Advanced Reiki Training and the complete Usui/Holy Fire® Reiki Master class training, which is usually taught during a three-day weekend. Although this class is a big step, the benefits are incredible personally, and in the way, we can provide more for our family, friends, pets and clients! (Reiki Level 3 classes may also be called Shinpiden.)
Over half the class time is used for practice so the student becomes confident in administering Reiki attunements and ignitions. This class is a powerful healing experience!
After completing this class, you will be qualified to teach all levels of Usui Holy Fire® III Reiki, lead meditations, and use the Holy Fire energy, symbol, and techniques in your healing practice. It is a powerful class and a wonderful investment in yourself and your healing practice!
Even if a person does not want to teach, they will gain a lot from this energy and should consider it. As a matter of fact, I did not want to teach when I first studied Reiki. But the experience of becoming a Reiki Master is so powerful and healing that I left the course knowing that I needed to share the healing and blessings I had received with others, and so began teaching.
...a student must have taken Reiki I&II and practiced Reiki II for at least six months. Also, a student must be able to draw the three symbols from Reiki II from memory. In the process of learning the healing techniques and attunements, and taking part in the guided meditations, each student will receive many healing experiences.
Instruction is given on the Usui/Holy Fire® system of attunements and ignitions. Other variations are also outlined in the class manual.
While the content of the class will allow anyone to pass the ability to do Reiki on to others and to teach if one chooses, many take the class for their use or to use with family and friends and even pets /animals.
Please bring lunch, a notebook, water, and a pair of slippers/ extra socks, and an extra sweater. Classes do have built in breaks.
Pre-requisite of Reiki 1 & 2 from any lineage at least 6 months before the ART/Master class (classes must have been in person – online or distance classes are not acknowledged unless they are ICRT certifications.) Registration is required and space is limited, Reiki ART/Masterclasses are kept to a maximum of 4-6 students to allow for appropriate practice time and questions.
Attendance on all days is mandatory. Class times may vary slightly depending on the size of the class.
**All ICRT Reiki Master Teachers are expected to charge the same fees for Center Licensed courses.
Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Registration Deadline: May 31, 2025
Please note that the class fee is $1044 for all 3 days, including a 192-page class manual and class certificate, a $325 deposit is required and is non-refundable but may be applied to a future class within 6 months. The balance is due by the Reiki training class day, and you can pay by cash, cheque, credit card (online before class) or e-transfer. Payment plan options are available.
Registration Deadline: September 20, 2025
Please note that the class fee is $700 for all 3 days, including a class manual and class certificate, a $325 deposit is required and is non-refundable but may be applied to a future class within 6 months. The balance is due by the Reiki training class day, and you can pay by cash, cheque, credit card (online before class) or e-transfer. Payment plan options are available.
If anyone is wondering about the validity of teaching remote Reiki classes, it is important to note that Mrs. Takata, one founder of Western Reiki, taught remote Reiki classes. In a Reiki book that included some of her handwritten letters, she explained how she could teach via telephone and with letters, and through remote initiations, and stated that she only did this when it seemed absolutely necessary, such as when the recipient was in a hospital or far away and in obvious need.
In addition, class notes from one of Usui Sensei’s students, which Hiroshi Doi Sensei, a Japanese Reiki Master discovered, show that Usui Sensei stated, “The most important thing for a Reiki practitioner to do is to continually seek to improve the quality and quantity of the Reiki energy they are able to channel.” These two examples from the founders indicate that developing the Reiki energy one can channel, and teaching remotely, when necessary, are part of the tradition of Usui Reiki.
Deposits (or full payments) can be made via Etransfer or Credit Card and the remainder is due
before the first day of class.
Or Split Payment Option:
Use the registration link below
Credit Card Payment:
Use Registration Link Below
Please contact me, and we can arrange payment options for either etransfer or Paypal or if you have any other questions about the class.
For credit card payments with an option of 4 interest-free instalments over 6 weeks. This option is not available on the registration form.
I appreciate your interest in the Children's Reiki Teacher Training Program. We all know Reiki is amazing. It helps us heal ourselves and those we love. It can help us deal with past situations and all those layers of life. But what if you could have skipped that step? Imagine what your life would be like if you hadn't spent that time trying to get past some of the layers from the past.
That's why we have been guided to create a program to teach adults about teaching Reiki to Kids. Imagine how amazing the world would be if, as children, we could have dealt with issues as they came up instead of burying them and allowing them to impact our lives.
This program also includes information about child development so that you can fully teach Reiki to kids. There is no pressure, but I feel firmly that most of us have some areas of our childhood we need to heal. So, there are included experiences to use to help you.
This class was designed for Reiki Master Teachers to teach Reiki to children. As we were working with the energy, we realized this is also a class filled with healing for adults to help their inner child.
Included in the course:
After taking this class, you will be qualified to teach children's Reiki classes.
All lineages are welcome. This course can be taken immediately after our Holy Fire Reiki Master training classes.
Please email us with questions if you are unsure if you qualify to take this training before signing up.
This Reiki course is a Choose Your Own Adventure Reiki Class. You will receive a variety of exercises and tools to use in your class. Of course, every Reiki class is a bit different, but teaching kids needs to be tailored to your situation. From several exercises, ideas for the time, and suggestions for class supplies and game suggestions, depending on the weather. Even when you might shop for some of these (hint: office supply sales are usually in January!)
In the Holy Fire tradition, there is a new symbol to share with you. This is an enhancement to the connection of the Reiki energy you already have.
There will be two manuals:
One will be the Master manual. This will have information regarding child development, several experiences for the teacher's healing, choices of activities for developmentally appropriate learning, and a class outline.
A children's manual will also include places to draw or write notes, the history and other appropriate learning.
Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
In-Person / Online TBA
Deposits (or full payments) can be made via Etransfer or Credit Card and the remainder is due
before the first day of class.
Or Split Payment Option:
Use the registration link below
Credit Card Payment:
Use Registration Link Below
Please contact me, and we can arrange payment options for either etransfer or Paypal or if you have any other questions about the class.
For credit card payments with an option of 4 interest-free instalments over 6 weeks. This option is not available on the registration form.
Medical Intuitive Melissa Schumacher
Melissa Schumacher does not claim to diagnose, treat or cure specific medical conditions & is not a substitute for medical treatment, diagnosis or psychotherapy; the effectiveness of her services is based on an individual’s ability to heal, and the results will vary. Sharing proprietary information: Free content: This website offers lots of free information that you may share freely, but please give proper attribution. Thank you. Paid content (classes & programs) or products: Without prior written permission from Melissa Schumacher and Morning Sun Energy Healing, copying, sharing, or teaching any material, content, written or audio, verbally, electronically, or in writing sourced from Morning Sun Energy Healing is prohibited. Please don´t present someone else´s idea as your own. In the event of a violation, you are liable for plagiarism. Thank you for supporting Melissa´s work by not sharing her information & products with anyone else.
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Full of ups, downs, joys, and sorrows, goes beyond mere beginnings and endings. It's about enduring, lasting, and overcoming challenges. While the comfort of our lives tempts us, true fulfillment comes from living fully and embracing all aspects of ourselves.
Navigating through life with all our emotions, fears, or beliefs requires strength we may not know we have. Choosing to reclaim your power and elevate your life -
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